As a rule, the introduction is where the author explains to the reader what the book is about. Before I do that, however, I will take the liberty of a brief digression of a personal nature. Whenever I’m at some sort of gathering and find I am acquainted only with the host, my interactions with other guests go off “without a hitch”. I’m not a particularly shy person, so it’s rather eas…
At their first public demonstration in Paris in 1839, photographs seemed nothing short of miraculous in their ability to record a mirror image of actuality. From the moment its inventors promoted the camera's usefulness for documenting Egyptian hieroglyphs, photography has played a decisive role in the interpretation of antiquity. Early photographers focused their lenses on marble-pillared temp…
Hipertensi sebagai salah satu penyakit tidak menular dewasa ini menjadi permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat yang terus berkembang. Penyebab hipertensi juga cukup kompleks dan dinamis sehingga akan terus menjadi tantangan, baik dalam pencegahan maupun penanggulangannya. Untuk itu, buku ini hadir dengan membahas secara komprehensif berbagai persoalan terkait hipertensi, khususnya pada wanita menopa…